Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Randall's Cyber Listening Lab

College Life:

1.hectic: very busy; full of activity

example:Today was too hectic for me.

2.tuition: the money that you pay to be taught, especially in a college or university

example:She received private tuition in French. your way through something:to do something from beginning to end, especially when it takes a lot of time or effort

example:She worked her way through the pile of documents.

A Story to Remember:

1.precinct: a part of a city that has its own police station; the police station in this area

example:The murder occurred just a block from the precinct.

2.therapist: a specialist who treats a particular type of illness or problem, or who uses a particular type of treatment

example:The therapist shows care for the patient, and the patient begins to trust and eventually have confidence.

3.saucer:a small round plate that curves up at the edges that you put a cup on

example:She gave the cat a saucer of milk.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Giant panda cub Yuan Zai unveiled in Taiwan's Taipei zoo

1.unveiled:  to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first time

2.anticipated:   to expect that something will happen and be ready for it.

I used the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary to search the first word means.  Maybe is I'm not used to search the word with  Bilingual dictionaries . I'm so confused when I look at the meaning. but when I change my mind I can understand it. I think the meaning is defined very good. And it has the example sentence can let me know more clearly.

I used the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Dictionary to search the second word means. I don't know why it can't pronounce.It's so pity .The define can let me know the word's meaning and example sentence is numerous.But it has too many advertisement . I don't like that . 


Hello, My name is 洪品蓉, English name is emily.
 I live in New Taipei  City.
I graduated from Shilin High School of Commerce. International Trade Division.
Now I study in National Taipei College Business. Department of Business Administration.
 I am twenty years old.  
My hobbies are reading, listening music, and watching movie. 
My English is very poor , but I will do my best to  improve my English.
Because I want to travel around the world.
To make friends from everywhere.
Experience their culture , language and life.
If you want to make a friend with me or have some questions,
welcome to leave a message for me.