Tuesday, May 20, 2014

ESL Podcast998

Meeting a New Neighbor

1.neighbor: The person who lives either right next to you or very close to you.
2.settling in: To begin to feel comfortable in a new place.
3.to come over = to come to my house
4.scoop = inside information 
ex: I want to give you some scoop on new boss.
5.take a rain check: To say I can't so that right now, but I will do it in the future.
6. appointing myself: ex: I going to appointing myself  the king of this house and everyone must do what my say.
7.resident: The person who lives in particular area.
8.sort them out: To look at a large amount of something.
9.recluse: The person who spend almost of his/her time alone without talking to other people.
10.busybody: Someone who want to know what going on other people's life.
11.some people: Show how you are shock by what someone was say or what someone has done.
You can't believe it.

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